The price of each $AuX Token will be determined by market forces, as applicable on various exchanges
The launch price of the $AuX Token will be at least $0.0025 each
We propose to freeze the price of each PLAY at $0.1 (10 US cents) each
The $AuX is a fungible Token.
The price of a PLAY will be stable and predetermined.
A PLAY is not fungible
The price of a bid will be a multiple of PLAYs; for example, a bid might cost 1 PLAY or 2 PLAYs or 'N' PLAYs.
The price of a bid in terms of PLAYs will always be an integer. A PLAY cannot be divided.
The AuctionX platform is a for-profit platform that aspires to bring value to its investors, auctioneers, token-stakers, community, and the house (AuctionX platform). AuctionX believes in fair play. It will incorporate stringent measures to avoid rug-pull and any form of token dumping incidents or unfair practices. Following standards will be part of the AuctionX platform and ecosystem development.
Tokens allocated under seed, private, and public sale investors will have a cliff and vesting period.
The unlocking will start with The Distribution Event (TDE) after the public sale
1% of the total coins earned from the sale of PLAYs will be burned every quarter
Liquidity funded by the AuctionX for the $AuX Tokens will be locked for months
Once converted, PLAYs cannot be converted back to $AuX Tokens